Destination: Proceed Along The Current Route.

The world seemed to stop for one day. The sea bag was packed and sitting by the door. Our family stayed up very late and woke up early just to spend as many minutes together as we could before he went to the ship.  The time came. We cried. We kissed. We smiled. We prayed. We watched. 


A few car loads of family gathered with us and we had a picnic. And we watched some more.

See you soon Daddy! God Bless the men and women aboard this fine ship! Fair winds and following seas!


Now, the current route/plan is to stay busy and be productive. Which obviously means shop therapy! May I introduce my very first ever pair of skinny jeans!!!  You see, last  year was the first time I had ever tried on a pair of skinny jeans, and I had a full blown anxiety attack. Seriously, I  scared  freakin’ scarred myself.  After looking in the mirror I began to get short of breath. I had to sit down and get enough courage to run past the mirror again and into the dressing room. I am starting to embrace them though.  I didn’t end up with this blouse, it just didn’t fit right or something. The jeans and black boots are all mine though.

The rest of the day was spent shopping for school clothes and supplies for the kiddos. Found a great consignment shop in the next town over where I am sure I will frequent and waste even more time. Oh, and I had the most amazing food truck tacos for lunch. It was a good day.

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